2021 Talent Sharing Contribution Award & Creative Innovation Management Award Ceremony held in the first half of 2021

Korea Economic Daily 3/30/2021

Held the 2021 Talent Sharing Contribution Award & Creative Innovation Management Award Ceremony in the first half of 2021

( Four ), South Korea gifts donated Association ( Chairman Choe Se-gyu ) is 30 from the Prima Hotel, Seoul, Cheongdam small ventures and sub-Korea Economic Daily sponsored by "2021 years sharing talents and contributions Target Creation Innovation Management Awards ceremony for" was held . The event was attended by former Prime Minister Jeong Un-chan ( honorary chairman of the Korea Talent Donation Association) , former Environment Minister Lee Man- eun, and small and medium-sized enterprises and talent sharing people. The association's public relations ambassadors, Miss Trot 2, Kim Da-hyeon and Yang Seul-gi, also participated as talent donations.

The Korea Talent Donation Association awarded the Talent Sharing Contribution Award to those who contributed to the development of the local community through talent sharing. In addition, the Creative Management Association awarded the Creative Innovation Management Grand Prize to entrepreneurs who produce high added value through collaboration based on innovative ideas and imagination . The Korea Talent Culture and Arts Award was awarded to cultural artists who donate their talents.

Chairman Choi Se-gyu delivered a welcome speech on the day, "In difficult times corona 19 continued digging the talents of donations that contribute to the development of society in a spirit of sharing and caring and contribute to economic development will do my best to instill a sense of pride for the small, "he told the the following is a list of award winners.

◆ Food and Drug Director Award ▷ seochangbeom tiaen IMD representatives ▷ yigeungap BHI and bio representative ▷ ohyoungho sinchayi holdings represent
◆ Seoul Regional Small Commendation ventures Commissioner ▷ ohseongsu mnemonics force ▷ Kim Jae-gyu risan Tech representative
◆ talent sharing contributions subject ▷ gujagwan three I & C responsibilities representing four won ▷ gangcheolsu wow shopping mall beonyounghoe President ▷ wonjaehui yitu avoid Korea representative ▷ Kim Il-soon, Dobu Mask Chairman ▷ hyeonsangseop D. W. President ▷ season one Bupyeong / 0 kinds / Song Lee Se-dol Monarch School represents ▷ choeseonggyu Harmony Healthcare representative ▷ gimdeokhuiMedina City Director ▷ appoint rate hanryeo Corporation , anchovies won the president ▷ seodaewon unemployment Archery Federation President for ▷ Lee, Jong - Hun Sky ssieneseu representative ▷ choewooseok Bliss representative ▷ wooyoungsam one ready-mix concrete represented ▷ later cultural artists broadcaster ▷ songyongjin Representative Natural's food ▷ jounyong Wu Min Industrial Development representative ▷ sinchanghyeon elkeyi Estonian representative ▷ bakjesang brighter dental representative Director ▷ Yong - Su rights activists ▷ gimdoyoung Shinhan bank Director ▷ yidongcheol KT consulting in charge
◆ creation innovation management Award ▷ Kim Young Chul Han Sung epeuahyi representative ▷ nasanggyun Jaws food represents ▷ Lee, Jae - Wook epeuaenssi represented by albol▷ Woo-Joo Lee, CEO of Woori Delica ▷ Yong-Rae Wang, Chairman of Kingsmill ▷ President, jiyoungcheol Plus and Microsoft representatives ▷ ohseungrok Nowon-gu Office Mayor ▷ way mold Lotus peurosyuming management representative ▷ Ivan Ball skiing Russian car represents ▷ noyoungok special chyurera representatives ▷ jochanhwi White Palm representative ▷ sonhyeonsu Money Road representative ▷ Volume century J. solutions represent ▷ yigwangwon DGB financial Group chief ▷ Kim, Jeong - Tai freedom cable sales representative ▷ M dream demonstration freedom representative ▷ ganggyeongbeom eseuen bio representative ▷ yibokyong daol construction representative ▷ gimgyeongbok YUHEE NeeD jewelry Representative ▷ yusumin Second are selfless representatives
◆ Republic of Korea Talent Cultural Arts Awards ▷ bakchang mugang a , Korean Painting Institute painter ▷ representative songyeongsuk People Today ▷ Bongsu ( ohdalgyun ) cultural artists filmmaker ▷ Kim, Sun - Young Kim, Sun - Young formative Institute ▷ Yong - Il treasures representing cargo ▷ amount of discretion culture artists gukakin ▷ yihuidu international environmental literature, poet ▷ heohongyeop effects loving care hospital four won
◆ Assembly Executive Chairman Award commendation for Health, welfare and Chairman ▷ jeongjaehwan representative V not Korea ▷ wonjaehui yitu avoid Korea representative ▷ Optics and welfare and the Korea National University of welfare social WBC President ▷ bakjesang more Representative Director of Bright Dental ▷Kim Seong-nam, Director, Korean Human Posture Research Institute ◇ Commendation from the Science and Technology Information and Broadcasting and Communication Commissioner ▷ Seung- cheol Yoo, CEO of Yoosung Metal ▷ Chan-hwi Cho, CEO of White Farm ▷ Young- sam Woo, CEO of Hana Remicon ▷ Kwang-won Lee, Director of DGB Financial Holdings ▷ Woo-seok Choi, CEO of Bliss ◇ Commendation from the Chairman of Small and Medium Venture Businesses by Industry, Trade and Energy ▷ bakbeomjun daeeun representative ▷ sonhyeonsu Money load representatives ▷ Volume century the representative of the solution ▷ Kim, Jeong - Tai freedom cable sales representative ▷ noyoungok special chyurera representatives ◇ Strategy and Finance Chairman Award ▷ seochangbeom tiaen IMD representatives ▷ yidongcheol KT consulting in charge ▷ gimdoyoung Shinhan bank Director ▷ yiduhyeon eyidi fisheries representative▷ Hyo-young Kim, CEO of Haerye Culture and Arts Research Institute
Appointment of association executives ◇ Promotion Ambassador ▷ Kim Da- hyun, cultural artist, singer ▷ Sang-yong Lee, cultural artist Broadcaster ◇ Vice-President ▷ Rae-kyung Ryu , CEO of Meatwon ▷ Joo-hyun Kim , CEO of Clink Labs ◇ Director ▷ Kyung-hee Park, CEO of Hwangsam Bio ▷ Jae- hee Won, E2P Korea Representative ◇ Steering Committee ▷ Hee-Jung Kim, Team Leader, Samsung Life
Reporter Gye-Joo Lee leerun@hankyung.com

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